Sunday 17 March 2013

what is a true friend ????

What is a True Friend?

True friend is a very rare item in the world. True friend is someone who assist you in times good and bad. Who heard what you said, who gave you advice when you need it (sometimes when you do not need it) and understand you without having to say anything. A true friend is someone who likes you even when you're having a bad day or when you fail dimedan struggle. He did not forget you when you are not nearby and when you leave you in trouble.

Companions are the people who hear you say without menghakimimu; say the truth to you even when you do not want to listen; who believe you when you say "I can not". Companion is someone who can keep all your secrets who does not change beliefs for truth who know what it means to be trusted.
Companion is someone who can tell you anything, confident that what you tell me will not be used anywhere. Companion is a person who never laughs at your dreams and dream-believe you, even in you do not believe in yourself. Companion is what you call a menertawai laughable moments in your life and you can share with secrets. True friend to create trust, loyalty and among all, THINGS

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